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How to say Happy Easter in 30 languages

Estimated reading time: 1 minute If you want to know how to say Happy Easter in other languages, we have compiled a list up below. 1. Albanian: Gezuar Pashket! 2. Basque: Aste Santu zoriontsua! 3. Bulgarian: Честит Великден! 4. Catalan:[…]

How to say Happy New Year in 34 languages

Estimated reading time: 1 minute Learn how to wish a Happy New Year to your friends around the world. 1. Albanian: Gëzuar Vitin e Ri! 2. Bulgarian: Chestita Nova Godina! 3. Cornish: Bledhen Nowydh Da! 4. Croatian: Sretna Nova Godina![…]

How to say Merry Christmas in 34 languages

Estimated reading time: 1 minute What better way to celebrate one of the world’s most multicultural holidays than by learning how to say Merry Christmas in another language? 1. Albanian: Gëzuar Krishtlindjen! 2. Bulgarian: Vesela Koleda! 3. Cornish: Nadelik Lowen![…]

22 language facts that will surprise you

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes In this article we will present 22 language facts that will surprise you: 1. French has been the official language of England for over 300 years. 2. Italian is the fifth most popular language, after[…]

5 interesting facts about Spanish language

Estimated reading time: 1 minute In this article we will present 5 interesting facts about Spanish language that you probably did not know: 1. We can refer to Spanish in two ways: ″español″ and ″castellano″. Although ″castellano″ literally translates to[…]

8 interesting facts about French language

Estimated reading time: 1 minute In this article we will present 8 interesting facts about French language that you probably did not know: 1. The longest word in the dictionary is ″anticonstitutionnellement″ and has 25 letters. 2. The longest word[…]

The 10 best foreign blogs for translations

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Perhaps because freelance translators spend a lot of time alone and feel the need to communicate with other people in their profession. Perhaps because we often have more time than we would have expected in[…]

The 3 best online dictionaries

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes There is no doubt that today’s translators have a major advantage over past translators: online translation resources. The Internet offers a wide range of dictionaries and very useful translation tools when we want to translate[…]