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9 interesting facts about translation

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes Language is one of the most elaborate forms of communication that humanity has developed over the centuries. Each language has its own cultural nuances that make proper intercultural communication nearly impossible without the assistance of[…]

The 3 best online dictionaries

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes There is no doubt that today’s translators have a major advantage over past translators: online translation resources. The Internet offers a wide range of dictionaries and very useful translation tools when we want to translate[…]

Top 5 online machine translation programs

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes Here is a list of some online machine translation programs: 1. Google Translate ( Google launched its own online translation program in 2007 and has become one of the most widely used translation tools worldwide.[…]

Types and areas of translation

Estimated reading time: 1 minute In this article we will present the types and areas of translation: Types of translation: Simple translations: Do not require the signature and stamp of the translator, nor notary acknowledgement as these are not official[…]

Top 7 advantages of running an online business

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes We all allow a computer today and almost all of us have access to the Internet. Whether you choose to remain a freelancer translator or become a translation agency, here are some of the advantages[…]

Top 7 challenges interpreters face every day

Estimated reading time: 1 minute Given the necessary requirements an interpreter has to meet, we can see that interpreting is one of the most exhausting activity because of the intellectual effort required. Thus, the International Association of Conference Interpreters sets[…]

What are the qualities of a good interpreter?

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes In this article we will present the qualities that a good interpreter should have: 1. Mental agility: You need to be able to do more things at once: to listen, to understand, to synthesize, to[…]

What are the qualities of a good translator?

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Let’s begin with what is obvious and fundamental: a translator or a student at the Translation Department should know at least one foreign language and their native language. This statement may seem a banality, but[…]