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mother tongue

German translations

Estimated reading time: 1 minute Here are some interesting facts about German that will surprise and help you when translating into and from German: 1. German is the eleventh most spoken language in the world. 2. Many German words are[…]

English translations

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes Here are some interesting facts about English that will surprise and help you when translating into and from English: 1. The language most closely related to English is Frisian, a West Germanic language spoken in[…]

22 language facts that will surprise you

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes In this article we will present 22 language facts that will surprise you: 1. French has been the official language of England for over 300 years. 2. Italian is the fifth most popular language, after[…]

The 10 best foreign blogs for translations

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Perhaps because freelance translators spend a lot of time alone and feel the need to communicate with other people in their profession. Perhaps because we often have more time than we would have expected in[…]

What are the qualities of a good interpreter?

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes In this article we will present the qualities that a good interpreter should have: 1. Mental agility: You need to be able to do more things at once: to listen, to understand, to synthesize, to[…]

What are the qualities of a good translator?

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Let’s begin with what is obvious and fundamental: a translator or a student at the Translation Department should know at least one foreign language and their native language. This statement may seem a banality, but[…]