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Learn how to wish a Happy New Year to your friends around the world.
1. Albanian: Gëzuar Vitin e Ri!
2. Bulgarian: Chestita Nova Godina!
3. Cornish: Bledhen Nowydh Da!
4. Croatian: Sretna Nova Godina!
5. Czech: Šťastný Nový Rok!
6. Danish: Godt Nytår!
7. Dutch: Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!
8. Esperanto: Feliĉan Novjaron!
9. Estonian: Head Uut Aastat!
10. Farsi: Eid-e Shoma Mobarak!
11. Finnish: Hyvää Uutta Vuotta!
12. French: Bonne Année!
13. Georgian: Gilocav Akhal Tsels!
14. German: Frohes Neues Jahr!
15. Greek: Καλή Χρονιά!
16. Greenlandic: Ukiortaami Pilluarit!
17. Hawaiian: Hau’oli Makahiki Hou!
18. Hungarian: Boldog új évet!
19. Icelandic: Gleðilegt nýtt ár!
20. Irish: Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit!
21. Italian: Felice Anno Nuovo!
22. Japanese: Akemashite Omedetou!
23. Korean: Saehae bok mani badeuseyo!
24. Lithuanian: Laimingų Naujųjų metų!
25. Macedonian: Srekna Nova Godina!
26. Norwegian: Godt Nyttår!
27. Polish: Szczesliwego Nowego Roku!
28. Portuguese: Feliz Ano Novo!
29. Romanian: An Nou Fericit!
30. Spanish: Feliz Año Nuevo!
31. Swedish: Gott Nytt År!
32. Turkish: Mutlu Yıllar!
33. Vietnamese: Chúc mừng năm mới!
34. Walloon: Ene Boune Anéye!
If you want to find out how to say Merry Christmas in other languages, check out our article on this topic: How to say Merry Christmas in 34 languages.
If you want to find out how to say Happy Easter in other languages, check out our article on this topic: How to say Happy Easter in 30 languages.
[Photo from Unsplash]