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How to say Happy Easter in 30 languages

Estimated reading time: 1 minute If you want to know how to say Happy Easter in other languages, we have compiled a list up below. 1. Albanian: Gezuar Pashket! 2. Basque: Aste Santu zoriontsua! 3. Bulgarian: Честит Великден! 4. Catalan:[…]

How to say Happy New Year in 34 languages

Estimated reading time: 1 minute Learn how to wish a Happy New Year to your friends around the world. 1. Albanian: Gëzuar Vitin e Ri! 2. Bulgarian: Chestita Nova Godina! 3. Cornish: Bledhen Nowydh Da! 4. Croatian: Sretna Nova Godina![…]

How to say Merry Christmas in 34 languages

Estimated reading time: 1 minute What better way to celebrate one of the world’s most multicultural holidays than by learning how to say Merry Christmas in another language? 1. Albanian: Gëzuar Krishtlindjen! 2. Bulgarian: Vesela Koleda! 3. Cornish: Nadelik Lowen![…]