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The Bible has been translated into sign language

Estimated reading time: 1 minute After 39 years, the work of 53 translators is complete. A translation of the entire Bible into American Sign Language (ASL). Jehovah’s Witnesses are the first organization to write the Bible into ASL. In the[…]

International Translation Day

Estimated reading time: 1 minute Every year, translators, interpreters, and terminologists celebrate International Translation Day on September 30. The day also marks the feast of St. Jerome, the translator of the Bible, who is considered the patron saint of translators.[…]

8 essential tips for translators

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes The activity of translation essentially consumes the majority of an individual’s creative side. It is exciting and fun to decipher a message and encode it into another language. If you are considering a career in[…]

The 10 best foreign blogs for translations

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Perhaps because freelance translators spend a lot of time alone and feel the need to communicate with other people in their profession. Perhaps because we often have more time than we would have expected in[…]